On October 1-2, 2016, in Berlin RAS Professor, chief scientific associate of IE RAS Department of European Security А.А. Sindeev took part in the Congress of International Peace Bureau.
In podium discussion «Crises and new alternatives in the sphere of European security» А.А. Sindeev outlined that European states need to elaborate a common strategy of European security architecture development. Application of strategic approach will help in solving a whole complex of acute problems. «Unfortunately, our states and societies are not yet used to strategic thinking in globalization conditions, while a new strategy and a new strategic thinking are now keys to providing security and well-being», – А.А. Sindeev stated. The podium discussion heard the speeches of Bundestag deputy W. Gerke («Left»), Europarliament deputy B. Lochbihler (Green party) etc.
Congress program in English

А.А. Sindeev's speech in German.