institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU

  • 07 May 2017
On May 6-7, 2017, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov in Tubingen (FRG) took part in jubilee conference of the Association of economists of Russia and Germany «Integration areas: Russian-German economic relations in the context of EU and EAEU».
On May 6, V.B. Belov moderated the podium discussion «Germany, Russia and their positions in integration areas». On May 7, he took part in the discussion «EU and EAEU – the entrepreneur viewpoint» and delivered the concluding report «From Lisbon to Vladivostok – Germany and Russia as drivers for approximation of both integration areas?», in the course of which he told about the role of IE RAS in European studies and its 30th anniversary, and presented the latest issue of «Contemporary Europe» journal in the new format.
After the conference there was a joint meeting of the Board and Supervisory council of the Association (V.B. Belov – member of the Supervisory council), with presentation of the new Board and Association prospects for 2017-2018.

Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU Interaction of integration areas: EU and EAEU