institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Meeting of the International Union of Economists

  • 10 March 2017
On March 10, 2017б Valery Zhuravel, Leading scientific associate of the Centre for Northern Europe IE RAS, took part in the meeting of Committees of International Union of Economists on «Russia's national interests in the Arctic Region». The event took place in Moscow, at the «House of Economist».
Svetlana Lipina, Head of the Committee on development of the Arctic Region of the International Union of Economists, head of scientific laboratory at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, moderated the discussion. The event was organized in preparation to «Arctic Region – territory of dialogue» forum to be held in Arkhangelsk on March 29-30, 2017.
Valery Zhuravel presented the report «Internal and external factors influencing Russia's ability to protect its interests in the Arctic Region». He remarked that Russia's core national interests with regard to the Arctic region are anchored in the document «Guiding principles of Russia's Arctic policy by 2020 and further». These principles include: a) the use of the Arctic region as a strategic resource base securing the implementation of strategic targets of the country's social and economic development; b) preserving the Arctic region as an area of peace and cooperation; c) protecting unique ecological systems of the Arctic region; d) using Northern Sea Route as Russia's transport route in the Arctic region.
Valery Zhuravel stated that the Arctic committee of the International Union of Economists actively participated in the discussion and preparation of the draft law «On development of Russia's Arctic zone». However, the draft was not submitted for consideration of the State Duma as previously planned. Currently around 500 laws and protocols regulate the development of the Arctic region.
Zhuravel remarked that the creation of the Arctic zone is justifiable due to such factors as global warming, high resource potential of the Arctic region, promising system of sea routes, unfinished demarcation of the Arctic shelf and the rising role of the region in Russia's development. Valery Zhuravel voiced the idea of establishing the office of Main constructor for the Arctic region by example of military-industrial complex. This official will be in charge of planning technical procurement as per the needs of Arctic region. Currently, this work is done spontaneously and with low investment efficiency.
The event featured participation of Andrey Krasilnikov, vice-president of International Academy of Management, as well as experts and scientists from Council for Studying Productive Forces, from Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Russian State Arctic Academy, Synergy University. The conference was attended by representatives of business circles, members of environmental organizations and journalists.  

Meeting of the International Union of Economists Meeting of the International Union of Economists