On November 17, 2016, Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry hosted the round table discussion «Problems of global politics», attributed to the presentation of the book by An.A. Gromyko «Lessons of global politics. The order or the order of law?», in the course of which IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko delivered a report on various aspects of global regulation.
The round table was supported by Russian Movement «For Democratic International Order and Support of the United Nations» and the Institute of Europe RAS. The event was opened by Diplomatic Academy President Е.P. Bazhanov and moderated by Diplomatic Academy Vice-President О.P. Ivanov. The participants heard the speeches of: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia, Diplomatic Academy professor Е.G. Kutovoy, MSU professors V.V. Kochetkov and V.I. Bartenev and others.