institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

«Contemporary Europe» №2, 2016

  • 27 May 2016
IE RAS announces the release of «Contemporary Europe» journal №2, 2016. This issue is unique in being, for the first time, fully dedicated to Analytical papers of IE RAS, prepared by its associates in 2015 - 2016.
Analytical (Working) papers of IE RAS is the new intellectual product of the think tank, complementing the already widely recognized series of monographs and Reports of IE RAS. Launched in 2015, the papers are aimed at presenting expert opinion of Russian scientists on the most acute events and problems of European social life. The new format is somewhat different from a traditional scientific article: it is shorter, focused on a chosen subject, with clear logic and conclusions. Up to now, the papers have been published on IE RAS web site only. Thanks to «Contemporary Europe» journal, they gain the formal status of a scientific publication.
The issue opens with the concept article of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko «On Strategic Thinking». The following articles of О. Butorina, V. Belov, V. Shveytzer, Y. Rubinsky, О. Potemkina, А. Sindeev, N. Plevako, Е. Ananieva, S. Fedorov etc analyze a broad range of problems of social and economic development of regions and countries of Europe, European security and integration processes.