institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


To the 30th anniversary of IE RAS: «Talking of Europe» project

To the 30th anniversary of IE RAS: «Talking of Europe» project
15 April 2017

Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, is known abroad as one of the strongest think tanks providing expertise on European integration, security systems, political and economic peculiarities of the continent's countries and regions, Europe's joint cooperation strategies and Russia's role in modern Europe. In 2017, Institute of Europe celebrates 30 years of its establishment.

Participation of Al.A. Gromyko in Russia-Britain relations press conference

Participation of Al.A. Gromyko in Russia-Britain relations press conference
28 March 2017

On March 28, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko participated in Russia-Britain relations press conference, organized by Russian International Affairs Council and British Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in MIA «Russia today» multimedia center.

Russia and right radical parties in Germany

Russia and right radical parties in Germany
26 March 2017

On March 26, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov gave the interview to German analytical portal russland.NEWS on contacts of Russian parties with right radical parties in Germany and Europe.

Relations of Germany, EU and USA

Relations of Germany, EU and USA
20 March 2017

On March 20, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in «Pravo golosa» show on «Germany-USA: terms of the deal» on TVC channel, and «Moscow-Berlin» TV-bridge on «EU at crossroads. What should Moscow expect from its European partners?» in International multimedia press-center «Russia today».

Turkey-Netherlands Spat

Turkey-Netherlands Spat
14 March 2017

On March 14, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov discussed Turkey's ongoing spat with the Netherlands in TV program «Events. 25th Hour» (hosted by Alexey Frolov, TVC Channel).

S.M. Fedorov in «60 minutes» show on «Russia 1» TV channel

S.M. Fedorov in «60 minutes» show on «Russia 1» TV channel
13 March 2017

On March 13, 2017, leading scientific associate IE RAS S.M. Fedorov took part in «60 minutes» show on «Russia 1» TV channel.

Election campaigns in the Netherlands and France

Election campaigns in the Netherlands and France
03 March 2017

On March 3, 2017, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies V.Y. Schveytzer took part in «Mezhdunarodnoe obozrenie» («International review») show on «Russia 24» TV channel.

New world order: opportunities and risks

New world order: opportunities and risks
20 February 2017

On February 20, 2017, Alexander Kamkin, leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for German Studies, took part in «Pravo Golosa» program (Channel TV-Centre) on the topic «New world order: opportunities and risks», dedicated to Munich Security Conference, which took place on February 17-19, 2017.

To the 25th anniversary of the Russian Association of European Studies

To the 25th anniversary of the Russian Association of European Studies
14 February 2017
 In 2017, the Russian Association of European Studies (AES) celebrates its 25th anniversary. AES was founded and ever since actively promoted by the Institute of Europe RAS. In 2017 AES is planning a series of special events, a contest of young scholars being one of them.

February 10 – the Day of Russian Diplomats

February 10 – the Day of Russian Diplomats
10 February 2017

IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko participated in the program «Observer» devoted to the Day of Russian Diplomats on «Russia Kultura» TV Channel.

To the presidential elections in France

To the presidential elections in France
10 February 2017

On February 10, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko participated in the program «International Review», «Russia 24» TV channel.

Europe after Donald Trump's victory

Europe after Donald Trump's victory
08 February 2017

On February 8, 2017, Vladimir Sсhveytzer, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies, Boris Guseletov, leading scientific associate of the Department and Ekaterina Timoshenkova, deputy Head of IE RAS Centre for German studies participated in the discussion on future leaders of Europe at the program «Pravo Golosa», TVCentre channel.

«Perplexity of Europe»

«Perplexity of Europe»
24 January 2017

On January 24, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and Head of Center for British studies Е.V. Аnanieva took part in the «Perplexity of Europe» broadcast («Pravo golosa» talk show, TVC channel).

Crisis of Western elites

Crisis of Western elites
14 November 2016

On November 14, 2016, leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for German Studies А.К. Каmkin took part in the discussion on the crisis of Western political elites in «Pravo Golosa» talk show on TVC channel.

Europe: agents of influence

Europe: agents of influence
28 October 2016

On October 28, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies Dr. V.Y. Schveytzer took part in the discussion on Russian influence on European countries and their political parties in «Pravo golosa» TV show on TVC channel.

European separatism. Subjects of all states, separate?

European separatism. Subjects of all states, separate?
24 October 2016

On October 24, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies Dr. V.Y. Schveytzer took part in the discussion on separatist and nationalist trends in Western Europe in the project «Prav!Da?» on ОТР channel.

Press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?»

Press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?»
19 October 2016

On October 19, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?», held by International multimedia press-center «Russia today».

European Union in the zone of turbulence

European Union in the zone of turbulence
06 October 2016

On October 6, 2016, IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko gave an interview to «International affairs» journal.

Representatives of Spain and Italy called the anti-Russia sanctions unacceptable

Representatives of Spain and Italy called the anti-Russia sanctions unacceptable
06 October 2016

Leading scientific associate of IE RAS Valery Zhuravel gave an interview to «Inform-24» agency on results of «TRANSTECH-2016» exhibition, that took place on October 4-6, 2016 in Saint-Petersburg.

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko
04 October 2016

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko to the Institute of International Relations and World History of Lobacheskiy NNSU.