institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


"Who threatens Russia"

"Who threatens Russia"
09 April 2016

On April 9, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director, Head of Center for German Studies V.B. Belov took part in "Who threatens Russia" discussion on TVC TV channel, devoted to the main external political threats, that Russia is facing in 2016. According to Valdai Club experts, they include the relations of Moscow with Ankara and Washington, as well as the threat of our country being involved into the Sunni – Shia conflict.

Videobridge "New Threats and Challenges of the European Union: Illegal Migration and Terrorism. Ways of Minimization"

Videobridge "New Threats and Challenges of the European Union: Illegal Migration and Terrorism. Ways of Minimization"
01 April 2016

On April 1, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in the Russian-German videobridge "New Threats and Challenges of the European Union: Illegal Migration and Terrorism. Ways of Minimization", held in the international multimedia center "Moskva".

Investment market: Russia and Europe

Investment market: Russia and Europe
21 March 2016

During her trip to Novosibirsk, Deputy IE RAS Director Dr. Olga Butorina gave an interview to "Russia 24" TV channel on economic prospects of Russia and the European Union.

Alexey Gromyko: RAS Professors must make their contribution to the development of science

Alexey Gromyko: RAS Professors must make their contribution to the development of science
21 March 2016
The General meeting of RAS Professors took place in Moscow. It was the first meeting of the scientists in this new title, adopted in the end of last year. The Academy structure and ways of the Russian science development were discussed. Professor Al.A. Gromyko told about the meeting results in the interview.

"The Alternative for Germany" Has a Chance for Bundestag

"The Alternative for Germany" Has a Chance for Bundestag
14 March 2016
The Christian Democratic Union of Angela Merkel lost a considerable portion of votes in the latest regional elections. While "The Alternative for Germany" gains popularity, on the contrary. Deputy Head of IE RAS Center for German Studies Ekaterina Timoshenkova spoke on the implications of such results.

Radio Svoboda dialogue “What alternative for the country and the world does “The Alternative for Germany” want?”

Radio Svoboda dialogue “What alternative for the country and the world does “The Alternative for Germany” want?”
14 March 2016

On March 14, 2016 deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov along with Research Director of the German-Russian Forum А. Rahr (Berlin) and social figure, artist D. Vrubel (Berlin) participated in Radio Svoboda dialogue on the results of landtag elections in three federal lands, that took place the day before.

Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloviev" show on Russia 1 TV channel

"Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloviev" show on Russia 1 TV channel
06 March 2016

On March 6, 2016 leading scientific associate IE RAS S.М. Fedorov participated in "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloviev" show on Russia 1 TV channel, devoted to problems in relations between Russia and the West. IE RAS representative disclosed numerous reasons for mutual distrust and misunderstanding, specifically, the grotesque Western perception of the history of USSR and the Soviet way of life, which, according to the speaker, are mistakenly viewed all black only.

Will Europe Cope with the Record Refugee Inflow?

Will Europe Cope with the Record Refugee Inflow?
22 February 2016

Interview of IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko in "Mezhdunarodnoye Obozrenie" program on Russia 24 TV channel.
(From 28:10 to 37:10)

What brings Russia and Germany closer, and what impedes such rapprochement?

What brings Russia and Germany closer, and what impedes such rapprochement?
12 February 2016

In early February 2016 Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer visited Russia. Immediately after the event many voices in Europe and Germany accused Moscow and Munich of some sort of political conspiracy. What brings Russia and Germany closer, and what impedes such rapprochement? This was the subject of "Germany-Russia: Opening Bridges" discussion in “Pravo Golosa” show on TVC Channel on February 12, 2016, in which deputy IE RAS Director Vladislav Belov participated.