institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences


V.B. Belov in «Pravo golosa» TV show

V.B. Belov in «Pravo golosa» TV show
03 October 2016

On September 29 and October 3, 2016, IE RAS Deputy Director V.B. Belov took part in two broadcasts of «Pravo golosa» TV show (TVC channel), discussing party, political and economic development of Germany, including political prospects of Angela Merkel and results of reunification of Germany.

Е.V. Ananieva in «Pravo golosa» TV show

Е.V. Ananieva in «Pravo golosa» TV show
01 October 2016

On October 1, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies Е.V. Ananieva took part in «Pravo golosa» («The right to vote») TV show on TVC channel – in the broadcast «The global gendarme». The discussion focused on the role of USA as global hegemon, pros and cons of domination of the only super-power; economic, timely and political limitations of global supremacy.

Top of the world (Russian response)

Top of the world (Russian response)
06 September 2016

Leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of Country Studies V. Zhuravel gave an interview to Tzargrad TV channel on the activities of Russia aimed at consolidating cooperation of the Arctic Council member-states and counteracting military threats of NATO member-states in the Arctic region.

«Mystery of the two oceans»

«Mystery of the two oceans»
17 August 2016
On August 17, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Economic Studies A.I. Bazhan in the studio of «International Affairs» journal in the broadcast «Mystery of the two oceans» gave an interview on the projects of two new international trade and economic unions: Trans-Pacific partnership and Transatlantic trade and investment partnership. 

Interview of E. Ananieva to «International Review» TV show

Interview of E. Ananieva to «International Review» TV show
08 July 2016

On July 8, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies E. Ananieva gave interview to «International Review» («Mezhdunarodnoye Obozreniye») show on Russia 24 TV channel, in the section devoted to the report of Sir John Chilcot on the causes and progress of the war in Iraq.

Meeting of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the Russian Federation

Meeting of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the Russian Federation
30 June 2016

On June 30, 2016, in Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs the 8th meeting of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the Russian Federation was held by decision and with participation of the President of Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The meeting was attended by top executives of the Russian Government, Federal Assembly, ministries and agencies, participating in international activities, as well as representatives of scientific and expert community and Russian business. The meeting was attended by IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko.

Brexit – the collapse of Europe (Tzargrad Chronicles)

Brexit – the collapse of Europe (Tzargrad Chronicles)
30 June 2016

On June 30, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies E. Ananieva took part in the broadcast «Brexit – the collapse of Europe (Tzargrad Chronicles)» on Tzargrad TV channel.

Leaving the British way: What awaits the EU?

Leaving the British way: What awaits the EU?
29 June 2016

On June 29, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies E. Ananieva took part in the press conference of National News Service, devoted to possible consequences of UK’s leaving the EU.

Russia – EU: is the «relaunch» possible?

Russia – EU: is the «relaunch» possible?
28 June 2016

On June 28, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director О. Butorina took part in the «Real Time» broadcast of Yuri Pronko on Tzargrad TV channel.

"Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?"

"Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?"
27 June 2016

On June 27, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V. Belov and Head of IE RAS Center for French Studies Y. Rubinkiy took part in Vladimir Kara-Murza show "Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?" on Radio Svoboda, devoted to the already evident and still unclear consequences of Brexit for Britain, Europe and the world.

Germany acknowledged the genocide of Armenians

Germany acknowledged the genocide of Armenians
27 June 2016

On June 2, 2016, Bundestag voted almost unanimously for the resolution acknowledging the genocide of Armenians in the Osman Empire in 1914-1915. The decision met with multiple protests of Turkish diaspora in Germany and, of course, in Turkey. Turkish Ambassador to Germany was revoked immediately, and President Erdogan made several strict statements on negative consequences of the vote for FRG. IE RAS deputy Director V.B. Belov discussed with «International Life» journal’s observer Elena Studeneva possible consequences of the vote for German-Turkish relations and Europe in general.

Interview to Koerber Foundation "Russia and the Baltics"

Interview to Koerber Foundation "Russia and the Baltics"
09 June 2016
On June 9, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V. Belov in Hamburg gave the interview to Koerber Foundation headlined "Russia and the Baltics" (in German), covering various aspects of the relations of Russia with the Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. 

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko to «Voice of America»

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko to «Voice of America»
08 June 2016
On June 8, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko gave interview to Moscow bureau of «Voice of America» on the verge of EU membership referendum in UK on June 23. 

"Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..."

"Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..."
03 June 2016
On June 3, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in the show of Vladimir Kara-Murza "Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..." on Radio Svoboda.

Video bridge Moscow – Berlin «Bundestag voting: possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security»

Video bridge Moscow – Berlin «Bundestag voting: possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security»
03 June 2016
On June 3, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in Moscow – Berlin video bridge, devoted to possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security of Bundestag voting on June 2 on the resolution «In memory of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the Osman empire 101 years ago».

Migration, the Turkish Way: Trick or Treat?

Migration, the Turkish Way: Trick or Treat?
18 May 2016
On May 18, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in «Migration, the Turkish Way: Trick or Treat?» discussion («Pravo Golosa» TV show, TVC Channel), devoted to the recent agreement on migration between Turkey and the EU, which can be terminated.

Triumph of the European Self-Conscience (the Russian Response)

Triumph of the European Self-Conscience (the Russian Response)
28 April 2016
On April 28, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies Vladimir Shveytzer took part in «Russian Response» TV show with Andrei Afanasiev on Tzargrad TV channel. 

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko for Historical Perspective Foundation project

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko for Historical Perspective Foundation project
26 April 2016

On April 26, 2016 IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Al.A. Gromyko presented the lecture «Russia and Europe in the Polycentric World» for the project «The Other Europe. Civilization and Challenges of Time» of Historical Perspective Foundation.

The Magnificent Seven?

The Magnificent Seven?
21 April 2016

On April 21, 2016 deputy IE RAS Director, Head of Center for German Studies V.B. Belov took part in «The Magnificent Seven?» discussion («Pravo Golosa» TV show, TVC Channel), inspired by the statement of German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the recent meeting of G7 foreign ministers that it is time to return to the G8 format. The presenter offered the following topics for experts to discuss: «Does the statement mean that the West is gradually changing its attitude towards Russia, and does Russia need such dialogue with G7 countries?»

Participation of IE RAS associates in scientific and analytical show on Cultura TV channel

Participation of IE RAS associates in scientific and analytical show on Cultura TV channel
17 April 2016
On April 17, 2016 IE RAS associates – I.F. Maximychev, V.Y. Shveytzer, N.S. Plevako – took part in scientific and analytical show «What is to be done?» of V.T. Tretyakov on Cultura TV channel. The discussion was focused on the current role of neutral states in international relations.