institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Current state of the Belorussian economy. Probability of actual and simulated reforms

Current state of the Belorussian economy. Probability of actual and simulated reforms
21 January 2021

On January 21, 2021, the Center for Belorussian studies of the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, co-organized international round-table discussion «Current state of the Belorussian economy. Probability of actual and simulated reforms».

Presentation of Recommendations of the Participants of the Expert Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe

Presentation of Recommendations of the Participants of the Expert Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe
18 January 2021

On January 18, 2021, IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko took part in Presentation of Recommendations of the Participants of the Expert Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe, prepared by a group of leading Russian and Western researchers.

Germany: the start of election campaign

Germany: the start of election campaign
18 January 2021

On January 18, 2021, Deputy director, Head of Department of Country studies and Center for German studies of the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.B. Belov took part in Russian-German online conference «Germany: the start of election campaign», organized by IIA Russia Today.

Analytical paper No 1, 2021 «The new CDU chairman election»

Analytical paper No 1, 2021 «The new CDU chairman election»
17 January 2021

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 1, 2021 «The new CDU chairman election» (in Russian) by Vladislav B. Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific researcher, Deputy Director IE RAS, Head of Department of Country studies, Head of Center for German studies IE RAS.

The Greater Europe: still on the horizon?

The Greater Europe: still on the horizon?
15 January 2021
On January 15, 2021, Director of the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Al.A. Gromyko was a speaker in expert discussion «The Greater Europe: still on the horizon?» in the course of «Russia and the world after the pandemic» forum (XII Gaidar forum). 

In 2020 the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the United Nations

In 2020 the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the United Nations
13 January 2021
In 2020 the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. "The International Affairs" journal published a special issue, dedicated to this date, with the article "The spirit of Elba and birth of the United Nations", written by the Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Europe, RAS, Al.A. Gromyko. 

International Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe

International Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe
29 December 2020
In June 2020 Institute of Europe (RAS) and Institute for US and Canadian Studies (RAS) co-organised an international project «Dialogue on NATO – Russia Military Risk Reduction in Europe». 20 online seminars followed involving a core group of about 40 well-known experts from the United States, Russia and other European countries. After five months of work the Group has produced a document, presented here.

Security Policy Briefs

Security Policy Briefs
29 December 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the annual joint seminars that since a few years the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations organise in Moscow and Brussels.

Russia-UK relations 2020: An expert opinion

Russia-UK relations 2020: An expert opinion
29 December 2020

On 29 December 2020 Alexey Gromyko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Europe RAS and Elena Ananieva, Head of the Center for UK Studies at the Institute of Europe RAS participated in the online discussion "Russia-UK relations 2020: an expert opinion".

Analytical paper No 44, 2020 «EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: status, risks and possible response»

Analytical paper No 44, 2020 «EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: status, risks and possible response»
10 December 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 44, 2020 «EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: status, risks and possible response» (in Russian) by Anatoliy I. Bazhan, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Head of Department of Economic studies, IE RAS, and Sergey A. Roginko, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of Center for Ecology and development, IE RAS.

Analytical paper No 43, 2020 «Germany and a new start in transatlantic relations»

Analytical paper No 43, 2020 «Germany and a new start in transatlantic relations»
10 December 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 43, 2020 «Germany and a new start in transatlantic relations» (in Russian) by Alexey A. Sindeev, Doctor of Sciences (History), RAS Professor, chief scientific researcher, Department of European security studies, IE RAS.

Analytical paper №37, 2020 «Hydrogen energy as a new niche of Russian-German cooperation»

Analytical paper №37, 2020 «Hydrogen energy as a new niche of Russian-German cooperation»
19 September 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 37, 2020 «Hydrogen energy as a new niche of Russian-German cooperation» (in Russian) by Vladislav B. Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific researcher, Deputy Director IE RAS, Head of Department of Country studies, Head of Center for German studies IE RAS.

Analytical paper №31, 2020 «Arctic Icebreaker Race»

Analytical paper №31, 2020 «Arctic Icebreaker Race»
05 August 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 31, 2020 «Arctic Icebreaker Race» (in Russian) by Valeriy P. Zhuravel, leading scientific researcher, Department of Country studies, Head of Center for Arctic studies IE RAS.

Analytical paper №30, 2020 «Coronavirus in Spain cannot be frightened by tourists»

Analytical paper №30, 2020 «Coronavirus in Spain cannot be frightened by tourists»
25 July 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 30, 2020 «Coronavirus in Spain cannot be frightened by tourists» (in Russian) by Vladimir L. Vernikov, senior scientific researcher, Department of Country studies, Head of Center for Iberian studies IE RAS.

Analytical paper №29, 2020 «Economic agenda of the German presidency in the EU Council»

Analytical paper №29, 2020 «Economic agenda of the German presidency in the EU Council»
13 July 2020

IE RAS presents Analytical papers of IE RAS No 29, 2020 «Economic agenda of the German presidency in the EU Council» (in Russian) by Vladislav B. Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific researcher, Deputy Director IE RAS, Head of Department of Country studies, Head of Center for German studies IE RAS.

Online Seminar by Aspen France

Online Seminar by Aspen France
09 July 2020
On 9 July Alexey Gromyko, Director of the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, was a guest speaker at the online Seminar organized by Aspen France.

A new article by Alexey Gromyko is published by the DOC Research Institute

A new article by Alexey Gromyko is published by the DOC Research Institute
18 June 2020

A new article «(Dis)integration processes: Vulnerabilities of a globalised world» by Alexey Gromyko, director of the Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences), is published by the DOC Research Institute. It is a part of a series the ‘Future of globalisation’, launched recently by DOC.

Illusions of a New Bipolarity

Illusions of a New Bipolarity
08 May 2020

On May 8, 2020, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published the article «Illusions of a New Bipolarity» by Alexey Gromyko, Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS), RAS Corresponding Member, RIAC member.

Analytical paper №15, 2020 «Populism and corona: how the pandemic affects the right-wing populist parties of Europe»

Analytical paper №15, 2020 «Populism and corona: how the pandemic affects the right-wing populist parties of Europe»
10 April 2020

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №15, 2020 (№198) «Populism and corona: how the pandemic affects the right-wing populist parties of Europe» (in Russian) by Petr V. Oskolkov, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), senior scientific associate, Department of European integration studies IE RAS.

Analytical paper №14, 2020 «The European Union: personal travel restrictions as means of fighting COVID-19»

Analytical paper №14, 2020 «The European Union: personal travel restrictions as means of fighting COVID-19»
10 April 2020

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №14, 2020 (№197) «The European Union: personal travel restrictions as means of fighting COVID-19» (in Russian) by Olga Y. Potemkina, Doctor of Sciences (Politics), chief scientific associate, Head of Department of European integration studies IE RAS.