institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Analytical paper №25, 2019 «Will the EU flotilla break into the Persian Gulf?»

Analytical paper №25, 2019 «Will the EU flotilla break into the Persian Gulf?»
01 August 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №25, 2019 (№176) «Will the EU flotilla break into the Persian Gulf?» (in Russian) by Alexander Shumilin, Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Head of «Europe – Middle East» Center, IE RAS Department of European security.

Analytical paper №21, 2019 «Actual party and political trends in Germany»

Analytical paper №21, 2019 «Actual party and political trends in Germany»
18 July 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №21, 2019 (№172) «Actual party and political trends in Germany» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Deputy IE RAS Director, Head of IE RAS Department of Country studies, Head of Center for German studies.

Analytical paper №20, 2019 «Results of the European Parliament elections»

Analytical paper №20, 2019 «Results of the European Parliament elections»
25 June 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №20, 2019 (№171) «Resultsof the European Parliament elections» (in Russian) by Vladimir Schweizer, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Scientific Associate, Department of Social and Political studies IE RAS.

Analytical paper №19, 2019 «Parliamentary election in Denmark»

Analytical paper №19, 2019 «Parliamentary election in Denmark»
21 June 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №19, 2019 (№170) «Parliamentary election in Denmark» (in Russian) by Nataliya Plevako, Candidate of Sciences (History), Head of Northern Europe studies Center, IE RAS Department of country studies.

Analytical paper №18, 2019 «The EU and Turkey: collision of «values»»

Analytical paper №18, 2019 «The EU and Turkey: collision of «values»»
14 June 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №18, 2019 (№169) «The EU aor of Sciences (Politics), Chief scientific associate, Head of «Europe-Middle East» Center, IE RAS Department of European security.

Analytical paper №17, 2019 «The expected unexpected: proceeds of the presidential elections in Ukraine?»

Analytical paper №17, 2019 «The expected unexpected: proceeds of the presidential elections in Ukraine?»
13 June 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №17, 2019 (№168) «The expected unexpected: proceeds of the presidential elections in Ukraine?» (in Russian) by Victor Mironenko, Candidate of Sciences, Head of IE RAS Center for Ukranian studies, Department of country studies.

Analytical paper №8, 2019 «Macron and Kramp-Karrenbauer: the Franco-German dialogue on the future of Europe»

Analytical paper №8, 2019 «Macron and Kramp-Karrenbauer: the Franco-German dialogue on the future of Europe»
04 April 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №8, 2019 (№159) «Macron and Kramp-Karrenbauer: the Franco-German dialogue on the future of Europe» (in Russian) by Yuri Rubinskiy, Doctor of Sciences (History), professor, Head of IE RAS Center for French studies, chief scientific associate of IE RAS Department of country studies, and Alexey Sindeev, Doctor of Sciences (History), RAS professor, chief scientific associate of IE RAS Department of European security.


Analytical paper №4, 2019 «The new industrial strategy of Germany – a return to dirigisme?»

Analytical paper №4, 2019 «The new industrial strategy of Germany – a return to dirigisme?»
18 March 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №4, 2019 (№155) «The new industrial strategy of Germany – a return to dirigisme (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy IE RAS Director, Head of IE RAS Department of country studies, Head of IE RAS Center for German studies.

The article by Al.A. Gromyko in The Security Times

The article by Al.A. Gromyko in The Security Times
17 February 2019

On the eve of Munich Security conference The Security Times published the article by Al.A. Gromykoon «Helsinki-2».

Analytical paper №3, 2019 «Berlin-Paris tandem in economy and politics: challenges and goals»

Analytical paper №3, 2019 «Berlin-Paris tandem in economy and politics: challenges and goals»
14 February 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №3, 2019 (№154) «Berlin-Paris tandem in economy and politics: challenges and goals» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy IE RAS Director, Head of IE RAS Department of country studies, Head of IE RAS Center for German studies.

«Helsinki-2: an illusion or imperative of time»

«Helsinki-2: an illusion or imperative of time»
06 February 2019

The 20th issue of «Europeiskiy club» (Russian Parliamentary European Club) journal presents the article «Helsinki-2: an illusion or imperative of time» by IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko.

IE RAS among the top analytical centers of the world

IE RAS among the top analytical centers of the world
04 February 2019

The Institute of Europe RAS is rated by prestigious «Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2018» by University of Pennsylvania (USA).

Analytical paper №2, 2019 «Italy and France: fundamental contradictions on the EU future»

Analytical paper №2, 2019 «Italy and France: fundamental contradictions on the EU future»
01 February 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №2, 2019 (№153) «Italy and France: fundamental contradictions on the EU future» (in Russian) by Elena Alekseenkova, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), senior scientific associate, IE RAS Center for Black and Mediterranean Sea studies.

Analytical paper №1, 2019 «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?»

Analytical paper №1, 2019 «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?»
31 January 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №1, 2019 (№152) «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?» (in Russian) by Kira Godovanyuk, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), senior scientific associate, IE RAS Center for British studies.

Analytical paper №54, 2018 «Trump, what’s next?»

Analytical paper №54, 2018 «Trump, what’s next?»
12 December 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №54, 2018 (№150) «Trump, what’s next?» (in Russian) by Valentin Fedorov, RAS Corresponding member, IE RAS Board member.

Analytical paper №53, 2018 «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar»

Analytical paper №53, 2018 «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar»
12 December 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №53, 2018 (№149) «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar» (in Russian) by Kirill Gusev, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific associate, IE RAS Center for monetary and financial problems.

Working paper №3, 2018 «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities»

Working paper №3, 2018 «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities»
21 November 2018

IE RAS presents Working paper №3, 2018 (№32) «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities» (in English) by Alexey Gromyko, RAS Corresponding member, Director of IE RAS.

International conference in London

International conference in London
10 November 2018

On November 9-10, 2018 Alexey Gromyko, RAS Corresponding member, Olga Butorina, Doctor in Economics, and Olga Potemkina, Doctor in Politics, represented the Institute of Europe RAS at the University Consortium’s third Annual Conference «Relations between Russia and the Rest of Europe within a Shifting Global Environment».

Meeting of scientists of Bonn University and IE RAS

Meeting of scientists of Bonn University and IE RAS
11 October 2018

On October 11, 2018, Old Hands – Igor Maximetchev, Vladimir Grinin and James Bindenagel – met in Moscow with Bonn University Law Professor Matthias Herdegen at the Europe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences with IE RAS Director Alexey Gromyko and others.

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko
09 October 2018

On October 9, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko gave an interview «Those who are afraid of today’s Russia need to see a psychologist» to Capital Ideas web portal.