institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Analytical paper №4, 2018 «The issue of the Northern Ireland border nearly «froze» Brexit»

Analytical paper №4, 2018 «The issue of the Northern Ireland border nearly «froze» Brexit»
24 January 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №4, 2018 (№100) «The issue of the Northern Ireland border nearly «froze» Brexit» (in Russian) by Oleg Okhoshin, scientific associate of IE RAS Center for British studies.

Analytical paper №3, 2018 «Austria: conservative-nationalist alliance»

Analytical paper №3, 2018 «Austria: conservative-nationalist alliance»
17 January 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №3, 2018 (№99) «Austria: conservative-nationalist alliance» (in Russian) by Vladimir Schveytzer, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies and Vasiliy Gribovskiy, IE RAS post-graduate student.

IE RAS celebrated the 90th anniversary of IE RAS Founder and Director Emeritus, RAS Academician V.V. Zhurkin.

IE RAS celebrated the 90th anniversary of IE RAS Founder and Director Emeritus, RAS Academician V.V. Zhurkin.
15 January 2018

On January 15, 2018, IE RAS celebrated the 90th anniversary of IE RAS Founder and Director Emeritus, RAS Academician V.V. Zhurkin.

Analytical paper №2, 2018 «Catalonia remains a dangerous hotbed of separatism».

Analytical paper №2, 2018 «Catalonia remains a dangerous hotbed of separatism».
09 January 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №2, 2018 (№98) «Catalonia remains a dangerous hotbed of separatism» (in Russian) by Vladimir Vernikov, Head of IE RAS Center for Iberian studies.

International relations 2018 in ten chapters.

International relations 2018 in ten chapters.
09 January 2018

Russian International Affairs Council published the report of IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member, RIAC member Al.A. Gromyko «Preserving economic growth despite Euro-skepticism» in the digest of foreign-policy forecasts of RIAC experts «International relations 2018 in ten chapters».

Analytical paper №1, 2018 «Russia: the Arctic resource»

Analytical paper №1, 2018 «Russia: the Arctic resource»
09 January 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №1, 2018 (№97) «Russia: the Arctic resource» (in Russian) by Valentin P. Fedorov, RAS Corresponding member, Deputy Director IE RAS.

IE RAS Anniversary

IE RAS Anniversary
13 December 2017
In 2017 the Institute of Europe RAS celebrates its 30th anniversary. We approach this date with the experience of several generations of scientists – our associates, who contributed to the Institute’s becoming one of the leading Russian centers for European studies.

International conference «Relations of the Visegrad four and Russia in the new European reality»

International conference «Relations of the Visegrad four and Russia in the new European reality»
01 December 2017

On November 30 – December 1, 2017, IE RAS Center for Visegrad studies together with the Hungarian Embassy held the international conference «Relations of the Visegrad four and Russia in the new European reality» in the course of Hungarian presidency in V4 and the 12 international scientific conference «Russia and Central Europe in the new geopolitical reality».

General meeting of RAS professors

General meeting of RAS professors
30 November 2017

On November 30, 2017, the Central House of scientists hosted the General meeting of RAS professors, who gathered to sum up the results of 2017 and set plans for 2018.

General meeting of RIAC

General meeting of RIAC
28 November 2017

On November 28, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko took part in General meeting of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

30th anniversary of IE RAS

30th anniversary of IE RAS
17 November 2017
Ceremonial meeting celebrating the 30th anniversary of IE RAS

Celebration of the 30th anniversary of IE RAS

Celebration of the 30th anniversary of IE RAS
14 November 2017

On November 16-17, 2017, special events, devoted to the 30th anniversary of IE RAS, will be held. Follow the dedicated playlist on IE RAS video channel.

30 years of thinking and speaking about Europe

30 years of thinking and speaking about Europe
13 November 2017

The web site of the Russian Academy of Sciences published the report of IE RAS Academic Secretary N.B. Kondratieva, attributed to the anniversary of the Institute of Europe RAS.

Russia in Europe: results of the year and future outlook

Russia in Europe: results of the year and future outlook
13 November 2017
On November 13, 2017, international multimedia press-center «Russia Today» held the press-conference, devoted to the 30th anniversary of IE RAS.

Survival of the world is an open question, which is being decided now

Survival of the world is an open question, which is being decided now
09 November 2017

On November 9, 2017, the official newspaper of the Russian Government «Rossiyskaya gazeta» published the article of IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member.

First Gerchikova readings

First Gerchikova readings
31 October 2017

On October 31, 2017 Deputy IE RAS Director, Prof. О.V. Butorina gave a presentation at the First Gerchikova readings in MGIMO University. 

European studies in Russia (1992–2017). Ed. by О.V. Butorina

European studies in Russia (1992–2017). Ed. by О.V. Butorina
30 October 2017

To the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Europe RAS and the 25th anniversary of the Association of European studies (Russia), in collaboration with Tomsk state university the book on development of European studies in Russia was released.

On opposition of Hungarian Prime-Minister V. Orban and G. Soros

On opposition of Hungarian Prime-Minister V. Orban and G. Soros
24 October 2017

On October 24, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in information and analytical show «Events. The 25th hour» (TVC channel) with commentary on the attitude of Hungary and the EU to the activities of G. Soros.

Lecture of Аl.А. Gromyko in the House of Economists

Lecture of Аl.А. Gromyko in the House of Economists
21 October 2017

On October 21, 2017, IE RAS Director, Chairman of RAS Professors Coordination council, RAS Corresponding member Al.А Gromyko in the House of Economists gave the lecture «The sunset of Europe 2.0?» by invitation of the International Union of economists.

48th seminar of young leaders of the German-Russian forum

48th seminar of young leaders of the German-Russian forum
20 October 2017

On October 16-20, 2017, associate of IE RAS Center for German studies А.К. Ivanova in Bonn took part in the 48th seminar of young leaders of the German-Russian forum.