institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Analytical paper №1, 2019 «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?»

Analytical paper №1, 2019 «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?»
31 January 2019

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №1, 2019 (№152) «British Parliament debate – a way out or a trap for May?» (in Russian) by Kira Godovanyuk, Candidate of Sciences (Politics), senior scientific associate, IE RAS Center for British studies.

Analytical paper №54, 2018 «Trump, what’s next?»

Analytical paper №54, 2018 «Trump, what’s next?»
12 December 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №54, 2018 (№150) «Trump, what’s next?» (in Russian) by Valentin Fedorov, RAS Corresponding member, IE RAS Board member.

Analytical paper №53, 2018 «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar»

Analytical paper №53, 2018 «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar»
12 December 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №53, 2018 (№149) «Russia fights sanctions, while Europe fights dollar» (in Russian) by Kirill Gusev, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific associate, IE RAS Center for monetary and financial problems.

Working paper №3, 2018 «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities»

Working paper №3, 2018 «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities»
21 November 2018

IE RAS presents Working paper №3, 2018 (№32) «Multi-drifting and not yet lost opportunities» (in English) by Alexey Gromyko, RAS Corresponding member, Director of IE RAS.

International conference in London

International conference in London
10 November 2018

On November 9-10, 2018 Alexey Gromyko, RAS Corresponding member, Olga Butorina, Doctor in Economics, and Olga Potemkina, Doctor in Politics, represented the Institute of Europe RAS at the University Consortium’s third Annual Conference «Relations between Russia and the Rest of Europe within a Shifting Global Environment».

Meeting of scientists of Bonn University and IE RAS

Meeting of scientists of Bonn University and IE RAS
11 October 2018

On October 11, 2018, Old Hands – Igor Maximetchev, Vladimir Grinin and James Bindenagel – met in Moscow with Bonn University Law Professor Matthias Herdegen at the Europe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences with IE RAS Director Alexey Gromyko and others.

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko
09 October 2018

On October 9, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko gave an interview «Those who are afraid of today’s Russia need to see a psychologist» to Capital Ideas web portal.

Analytical paper №37, 2018 «Russian ruble’s exchange rate and the role of gold in the world economy»

Analytical paper №37, 2018 «Russian ruble’s exchange rate and the role of gold in the world economy»
06 September 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №37, 2018 (№133) «Russian ruble’s exchange rate and the role of gold in the world economy» (in Russian) by Kirill Gusev, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for monetary problems.

Analytical paper №36, 2018 «Elections in Sweden and NATO»

Analytical paper №36, 2018 «Elections in Sweden and NATO»
02 September 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №36, 2018 (№132) «Elections in Sweden and NATO» (in Russian) by Natalia Plevako, Candidate of Sciences (History), Head of IE RAS Center for Northern Europe studies.

Analytical paper №35, 2018 «Russia’s sale of US Treasuries: causes and effects»

Analytical paper №35, 2018 «Russia’s sale of US Treasuries: causes and effects»
22 August 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №35, 2018 (№131) «Russia’s sale of US Treasuries: causes and effects» (in Russian) by Kirill Gusev, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for monetary problems.

Analytical paper №31, 2018 «Sanctions, customs duties, counter-measures… What’s next?»

Analytical paper №31, 2018 «Sanctions, customs duties, counter-measures… What’s next?»
04 August 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №31, 2018 (№127) «Sanctions, customs duties, counter-measures… What’s next?» (in Russian) by Johan Pollyeva, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Doctoral student of IE RAS, Vice-President of United Ship Construction Company.

IE RAS with partners announces the competition for young experts in international affairs of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

IE RAS with partners announces the competition for young experts in international affairs of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
21 July 2018
IE RAS with partners announces the competition for young experts in international affairs of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russian Federation

Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russian Federation
19 July 2018

On July 19, 2018 IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko, as a member of Scientific council of Russian Foreign Minister, participated in the meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russian Federation, which takes place every two years by decision and with presence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Аl.А. Gromyko signed a key Task Force position paper of European Leadership Network

Аl.А. Gromyko signed a key Task Force position paper of European Leadership Network
07 July 2018

IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko as a permanent member of Task Force on Cooperation in Greater Europe signed the common Position Paper «Towards a NATO-Russia basic understanding», prepared by prominent international research center European Leadership Network.

Expert seminar «Russia and the West: the future of European security architecture and OSCE»

Expert seminar «Russia and the West: the future of European security architecture and OSCE»
25 June 2018

On June 25, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko took part in expert seminar «Russia and the West: the future of European security architecture and OSCE».

Analytical paper №28, 2018 «Political landscape of Europe. Is the EU facing the threat of geopolitical solitude»

Analytical paper №28, 2018 «Political landscape of Europe. Is the EU facing the threat of geopolitical solitude»
24 June 2018
IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS»
№28, 2018 (№124) «Political landscape of Europe. Is the EU facing the threat of geopolitical solitude» (in Russian) by Alexey Gromyko, RAS Corresponding member, IE RAS Director.

Greater Europe expert group session

Greater Europe expert group session
19 June 2018

On June 18-19, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko in London as a permanent member took part in Greater Europe expert group session.

“Approaches of the European Union and Russia to Transnational Security Challenges”

“Approaches of the European Union and Russia to Transnational Security Challenges”
25 May 2018
On May 24-25, 2018, Olga Potemkina, the Head of the European Integration Division, took part in the Jean Monnet Project Conference “Approaches of the European Union and Russia to Transnational Security Challenges”, which was hosted by the Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod. 

«Sanctity of state borders and self-determination of peoples: juridical and political aspects»

«Sanctity of state borders and self-determination of peoples: juridical and political aspects»
20 April 2018

On April 20, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko by invitation of the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international affairs K.I. Kosachev gave a speech at the round table discussion «Sanctity of state borders and self-determination of peoples: juridical and political aspects».

Visit of the Ambassador of the French Republic to Russia to IE RAS

Visit of the Ambassador of the French Republic to Russia to IE RAS
17 April 2018

On April 17, 2018, the Ambassador of the French Republic to Russia Mdm. Sylvie Bermann visited IE RAS.