institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Visit of Аl.А. Gromyko to Romania

Visit of Аl.А. Gromyko to Romania
14 October 2017

On October 12-14, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko, with support of Russian embassy, visited Romania by invitation of European foundation Titulescu and Craiova University.

Visit of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation delegation

Visit of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation delegation
05 October 2017

On October 5, 2017, IE RAS hosted Rosa Luxemburg Foundation delegation (Germany). The meeting was held by IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko and Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov.

Hanns Seidel Foundation round table

Hanns Seidel Foundation round table
05 October 2017

On October 5, 2017, IE RAS associates V.B. Belov, Е.V. Romanova, N.V. Supyan and А.К. Ivanova took part in the round table «Importance of start-ups for Russian and German economies», organized by Hanns Seidel Foundation affiliate in Russia.

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko in NRNU MEPhI

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko in NRNU MEPhI
04 October 2017

On October 4, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko with «Academic readings» project delivered the lecture «Has the European dream died?» on political processes in Europe and their implications for Russia to students of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

«Germany after election»

«Germany after election»
04 October 2017

On October 4, 2017, IE RAS associates took part in «Germany after election» event, organized by the Russian affiliate of «Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Public development analysis and civil education» (Germany).

«Two Germanies again?»

«Two Germanies again?»
03 October 2017

On October 3, 2017, Deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov and leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of social and political studies B.P. Guseletov took part in «Two Germanies again?» program («Pravo golosa» show, TVC channel).

Visit of CDU economic council delegation

Visit of CDU economic council delegation
02 October 2017

On October 2, 2017, IE RAS hosted CDU economic council delegation of Schleswig-Holstein federal land (Germany).

Discussion on Catalonia referendum

Discussion on Catalonia referendum
29 September 2017

On September 29, 2017, Head of IE RAS Center for Iberic studies V.L. Vernikov took part in the round table on Catalonia referendum in RIA Novosti agency.

Interview to Mir 24 TV channel

Interview to Mir 24 TV channel
25 September 2017

On September 25, 2017, Head of IE RAS Department of social and political studies V.Y. Schveytzer gave interview to Mir 24 TV channel on results of German Bundestag elections.

Analytical paper №20, 2017 «Changes for Germany»

Analytical paper №20, 2017 «Changes for Germany»
08 September 2017

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №20, 2017 (№93) «Changes for Germany» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Deputy Director IE RAS.

European Leadership Network Report

European Leadership Network Report
02 September 2017

Institute of Europe published on its website the report of European Leadership Network "Defusing future crises in the shared neighbourhood"". ELN is a well-known international expert community. IE RAS Director, prof. Al.A. Gromyko is one of its members.

International conference in Passau

International conference in Passau
02 September 2017

On September 1-2, 2017 in Passau (Germany) Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov took part in the international conference «Russia – friend or partner. Where is Europe between Washington, Brussels and Moscow?».

«Day of Knowledge» in Saint Petersburg Humanities University of Trade Unions

«Day of Knowledge» in Saint Petersburg Humanities University of Trade Unions
01 September 2017

On September 1, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko gave the public lecture «Has the European dream died?», and conducted a meeting with students of Saint Petersburg Humanities University of Trade Unions.

Political symposium in Austria

Political symposium in Austria
29 August 2017

On August 27-29, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko represented Russia in a political symposium in Alpbach, Austria in the course of the European Forum.

Luc Devigne in IE RAS

Luc Devigne in IE RAS
05 July 2017

On July 5, 2017, IE RAS was honored to host Managing Director for Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia and OSCE at European external action service Luc Devigne with a lecture-seminar.

Scientific and expert forum «Primakov readings»

Scientific and expert forum «Primakov readings»
30 June 2017

On June 29-30, 2017, IE RAS associates took part in the scientific and expert forum «Primakov readings».

Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin

Jubilee «Potsdam meetings» in Berlin
23 June 2017
On June 22-23, 2017, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko and IE RAS Deputy Director V.B. Belov in Berlin took part in jubilee «Potsdam meetings».

International conference «Russian world: present and future»

International conference «Russian world: present and future»
21 June 2017

On June 21, 2017, in the State Kremlin Palace Director IE RAS Al.A. Gromyko took part in the international conference «Russian world: present and future», attributed to the 10th anniversary of «Russkiy mir» foundation.

V.I. Mironenko on Radio Svoboda

V.I. Mironenko on Radio Svoboda
21 June 2017

On June 21, 2017, Head of IE RAS Center for Ukrainian studies V.I. Mironenko took part in Vladimir Kara-Murza show on Radio Svoboda.

Annual Round Table of IE RAS Center for British Studies

Annual Round Table of IE RAS Center for British Studies
19 June 2017

On June 19, 2017, IE RAS Center for British Studies held the annual round table «Theresa May’s government - a year in power. Results of the early general election».