institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

«Growth points of the EAEU: economy, security, society»

«Growth points of the EAEU: economy, security, society»
10 April 2018
On April 10, 2018, IE RAS held international conference, devoted to the priority development directions of the Eurasian Economic «Growth points of the EAEU: economy, security, society».

The first issue of «Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS»

The first issue of «Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS»
10 April 2018

In 2018 IE RAS launches a new electronic periodical publication – «Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS». The first issue of the journal is available in Russian by this link: «Научно-аналитический вестник ИЕ РАН», №1, 2018.

«Russia and Britain – eternal foes?»

«Russia and Britain – eternal foes?»
09 April 2018

On April 9, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko by invitation of the Dean of Political science faculty of MSU А.Y. Shutov gave a public lecture within the «Evening readings» project.

«Europe in the global world. Destinies of national states»

«Europe in the global world. Destinies of national states»
04 April 2018

On April 4, 2018 IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko presented the report «Europe in the global world. Destinies of national states» at the round table «Contradictions of contemporary Europe», organized by Voronezh state university in execution of the projects of Erasmus + Jean Monnet direction.

Al.A. Gromyko Appears in the “Rossiya-24” programme “Senate”

Al.A. Gromyko Appears in the “Rossiya-24” programme “Senate”
23 March 2018

On March 23, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko appeared in the “Rossiya-24” programme “Senate”.

“British World: Experience of Social, Political, and Cultural Development”

“British World: Experience of Social, Political, and Cultural Development”
23 March 2018

On March 22-23, 2018, Head of the IE RAS British Studies center E.V. Ananieva took part in the international scientific conference “British World: Experience of Social, Political, and Cultural Development”, which was held in Saint Petersburg.

The IE RAS and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Sign a Cooperation Agreement

The IE RAS and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Sign a Cooperation Agreement
22 March 2018

On March 22, 2018, the IE RAS was the venue for the signature of an agreement between the IE RAS and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy on holding a conference “The OSCE Role in the Contemporary European Security Architecture: Challenges and Opportunities” scheduled for May 29, 2018.

«Science and diplomacy go side by side»

«Science and diplomacy go side by side»
20 March 2018

On March 20, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Аl.А. Gromyko gave an interview to the international analytical center «Rethinking Russia».

Britain's goals in the “Skripal case”

Britain's goals in the “Skripal case”
20 March 2018

On March 20, 2018, Head of IE RAS British Studies center E.V. Ananieva and Senior Scientific Associate of the IE RAS Department of social and political studies S.M. Fedorov took part in Roman Babayan’s TVC channel program “Pravo golosa” on the subject of “Russia – Great Britain: toxic relations.”

Traditional Meeting on Non-Proliferation and Arms Control

Traditional Meeting on Non-Proliferation and Arms Control
20 March 2018

On March 20, 2018, Director of the MID Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control V.I. Yermakov appeared before Russian academic circles and the representatives of NGOs in the Ministry’s Reception House and presented an extended overview of the current situation in non-proliferation and arms control negotiations.

“Electoral Systems, Elections, and the Governments Formation in Russia and Germany”

“Electoral Systems, Elections, and the Governments Formation in Russia and Germany”
19 March 2018

On March 19, 2018, the IE RAS held a German-Russian round table, called “Electoral Systems, Elections, and the Governments Formation in Russia and Germany”. The event was organized by the IE RAS Center for German studies and the Hanns Seidel Foundation Moscow office.

The UN Security Council meeting on “the S. Skripal case”

The UN Security Council meeting on “the S. Skripal case”
15 March 2018

On March 15, 2018, IE RAS senior scientific associate K.A. Godovanyuk on the “RTV1” air commented on the UN Security Council meeting related to the poisoning of S. Skripal and his daughter in Great Britain.

International aspects of the Skripal case

International aspects of the Skripal case
15 March 2018

On March 15, 2018, Head of the IE RAS UK Studies Center E.V. Ananieva took part in an episode called “Chemical Weapons as a Pretext” of the First Channel TV show “Time Will Tell”.

A Working Session of the Lingvo Civilizational and Migration Processes Institute

A Working Session of the Lingvo Civilizational and Migration Processes Institute
14 March 2018

On March 14, 2018, Al.A. Gromyko, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member, Expert Council Chairman of the Lingvo Civilizational and Migration Processes Institute under the fund “Russkiy mir”, and IE RAS leading scientific associate S.М. Fedorov took part in a working session of the Lingvo Civilizational and Migration Processes Institute, which was attended by Caroline Galacteros, Director of the “Planeting” consultancy, Ph.D. in political sciences.

“London hurries up to accuse Russia of an attempt on S. Skripal’s and his daughter’s life”

“London hurries up to accuse Russia of an attempt on S. Skripal’s and his daughter’s life”
13 March 2018

On March 13, 2018, in the TV programme “Vesti at 23:00” broadcast live by Russia-24 channel IE RAS senior scientific associate K.A. Godovanyuk commented on Britain’s possible sanctions against Russia in connection with the poisoning of S. Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury.

Plenary Session of the Scientific Council under the RF Security Council

Plenary Session of the Scientific Council under the RF Security Council
06 March 2018

Plenary Session of the Scientific Council under the RF Security Council.

Al.A. Gromyko’s Public Lecture in Saint Petersburg

Al.A. Gromyko’s Public Lecture in Saint Petersburg
27 February 2018
On February 27, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko gave a public lecture “The EU – Europe of nation-states, regions or a super federation?” at the School of International Relations of the Saint Petersburg State University.

Press Conference in Saint Petersburg.

Press Conference in Saint Petersburg.
27 February 2018
On February 27, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS Corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko took part in a press conference which was held at the TASS office in Saint Petersburg and dedicated to the development of transit routes between China, Russia, and Belarus.

Analytical paper №10, 2018 «Cooperation between Russia and Germany in sphere of digital transformation of the economy»

Analytical paper №10, 2018 «Cooperation between Russia and Germany in sphere of digital transformation of the economy»
26 February 2018

IE RAS presents a new article in the series «Analytical papers of IE RAS» №10, 2018 (№106) «Cooperation between Russia and Germany in sphere of digital transformation of the economy» (in Russian) by Vladislav Belov, Depity Director IE RAS, Head of Center for German studies.

Commemorating V.I. Churkin

Commemorating V.I. Churkin
20 February 2018

On February 20, 2018, IE RAS Director, RAS corresponding member Al.A. Gromyko spoke at the conference in commemoration of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin.