institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

25th anniversary of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Russia

25th anniversary of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Russia
12 December 2016
On December 12, 2016, IE RAS associates took part in the jubilee meeting, devoted to the 25th anniversary of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Russia.

Analytical paper №42, 2016 «Political trends in Northern Ireland in the light of Brexit and results of the unionist party conference season»

Analytical paper №42, 2016 «Political trends in Northern Ireland in the light of Brexit and results of the unionist party conference season»
12 December 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №42, 2016 (№72) «Political trends in Northern Ireland in the light of Brexit and results of the unionist party conference season» (in Russian) by Alexei Budargin, scientific associate of IE RAS Center for British Studies.

X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS)

X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS)
08 December 2016

On December 8, 2016, IE RAS associates took part in X Convent of Russian association of international studies (RAIS) «25 years in Russian foreign policy» in MGIMO University.

Seminar «Russia – West relations: new modus vivendi»

Seminar «Russia – West relations: new modus vivendi»
07 December 2016

On December 7, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Central and Eastern European Studies L. Shishelina took part in the seminar «Russia – West relations: new modus vivendi», organized by Russian International Affairs Council together with Robert Bosch Center of German International Affairs Council, Transatlantic Relations Center of Perspective International Studies School of John Hopkins University and Robert Bosch Foundation.

X European Russian forum «Conflict of the West and Russia: 2016»

X European Russian forum «Conflict of the West and Russia: 2016»
05 December 2016

On December 5, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko in Brussels took part in X European Russian forum «Conflict of the West and Russia: 2016», held in the European Parliament.

XXXV International conference «Mediterranean cities. Meeting for cooperation»

XXXV International conference «Mediterranean cities. Meeting for cooperation»
03 December 2016

On December 2-3, 2016, in Sassari (Italy) XXXV International conference «Mediterranean cities. Meeting for cooperation» was held, organized by Institute of Mediterranean Studies (Italy) together with Institute of Europe RAS. 

International conference in IE RAS

International conference in IE RAS
02 December 2016

On December 1-2, 2016, IE RAS together with Embassy of Slovak Republic in Moscow held international scientific conference «Relations of the Visegrad Group and EU with Russia», attributed to the Slovak Republic presidency in the EU Council. The event provided for the traditional (11th) round table «Russia and the Central Europe in new geopolitical reality», organized in IE RAS.

«Petersburg dialogue» Forum working group session

«Petersburg dialogue» Forum working group session
26 November 2016

On November 24-26, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko in Berlin took part in the session of «Politics» working group of «Petersburg dialogue» Forum. The session was named «G20 and German presidency; migration crisis and its settlement; imperatives in fighting international terrorism».

First international forum of university towns

First international forum of university towns
25 November 2016

On November 23-25, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov took part in First international forum of university towns, organized by Tomsk State University and Tomsk region government.

Analytical paper №41, 2016 ««The Syrian question» in Russian-British relations»

Analytical paper №41, 2016 ««The Syrian question» in Russian-British relations»
24 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №41, 2016 (№71) ««The Syrian question» in Russian-British relations» (in Russian) by Kira Godovanyuk, Candidate of Science (Politics), senior scientific associate of IE RAS Center for British Studies.

FEMU session in MGIMO University

FEMU session in MGIMO University
24 November 2016
On November 24, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in Federal Education and Methodology Union session «Politics, political science and international relations in the turbulent era: modern research methodologies and teaching technics».

International conference in Financial University under the Government of RF

International conference in Financial University under the Government of RF
23 November 2016

On November 23, 2016, IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko took part in the international scientific and practical conference «Is growth possible without «the new normality»? Strategic initiatives of developing economies», held in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation within III International forum «The «new normality» trap».

Symposium of RAS Professors

Symposium of RAS Professors
18 November 2016
On November 18, 2016, Symposium of RAS Professors took place, attended by IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko in the capacity of Chairman of RAS Professors Coordination council. 

Presentation of the book by Аn.А. Gromyko

Presentation of the book by Аn.А. Gromyko
17 November 2016

On November 17, 2016, Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry hosted the round table discussion «Problems of global politics», attributed to the presentation of the book by An.A. Gromyko «Lessons of global politics. The order or the order of law?», in the course of which IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko delivered a report on various aspects of global regulation.

Conference «Russia and EU: ways of development and prospects»

Conference «Russia and EU: ways of development and prospects»
17 November 2016

On November 17, 2016 in Rostov-on-Don Deputy Director IE RAS О.V. Butorina took part in the opening ceremony of the international scientific and practical conference «Russia and EU: ways of development and prospects».

«Russia and the West: the struggle of values?»

«Russia and the West: the struggle of values?»
17 November 2016

On November 17, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov in Berlin took part in podium discussion «Russia and the West: the struggle of values?», organized by Association of German and Russian Economists and Humboldt University.

Meeting with delegation of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Meeting with delegation of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
15 November 2016

On November 15, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS, Corresponding member RAS М.G. Nosov hosted the delegation of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) headed by Vice-President Feng Zhongping.

Analytical paper №40, 2016 «On prospects of negotiations on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership EU-USA»

Analytical paper №40, 2016 «On prospects of negotiations on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership EU-USA»
15 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №40, 2016 (№70) «On prospects of negotiations on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership EU-USA» (in Russian) by Nataliya Kondratieva, Candidate of Science (Economics), Head of IE RAS Center for Economic Integration.

Crisis of Western elites

Crisis of Western elites
14 November 2016

On November 14, 2016, leading scientific associate of IE RAS Center for German Studies А.К. Каmkin took part in the discussion on the crisis of Western political elites in «Pravo Golosa» talk show on TVC channel.

Meeting with Hanns Seidel Foundation delegation

Meeting with Hanns Seidel Foundation delegation
14 November 2016

On November 14, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov and associates of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies – V.Y. Schveytzer, R.N. Lunkin and V. Yazkova – took part in the meeting with Hanns Seidel Foundation delegation in Moscow.