institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Berlin format: Donbass of Syria?

Berlin format: Donbass of Syria?
19 October 2016
On October 19, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for Ukrainian Studies Victor Mironenko took part in Mikhail Sokolov's broadcast «Berlin format: Donbass of Syria?» (Radio Svoboda). 

Press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?»

Press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?»
19 October 2016

On October 19, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the press conference «UN in stiff opposition. What is the future of Organization?», held by International multimedia press-center «Russia today».

Conference «Cooperation of democratic countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia: the new challenges»

Conference «Cooperation of democratic countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia: the new challenges»
19 October 2016

On October 19, 2016 Krakov Economic University held international scientific forum «Democracy today – Polish and international experience». This large scale event provided for conference «Cooperation of democratic countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia: the new challenges», organized by KEU Department of Political Science and IE RAS with support of Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund.

Analytical paper №33, 2016 «Interests of Russia in the context of presidential elections in Moldova and Transdniestria»

Analytical paper №33, 2016 «Interests of Russia in the context of presidential elections in Moldova and Transdniestria»
18 October 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №33, 2016 (№63) «Interests of Russia in the context of presidential elections in Moldova and Transdniestria» (in Russian) by Dmitry Danilov, Candidate of Science (Economics), Head of IE RAS Department of European Security.

Forum «International cooperation in the Arctic: new challenges and development vectors»

Forum «International cooperation in the Arctic: new challenges and development vectors»
13 October 2016
On October 12–13, 2016, Russian International Affairs Council held the international conference «International cooperation in the Arctic: new challenges and development vectors», attributed to the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council. IE RAS was represented by leading scientific associate Valery Zhuravel.

Lecture in Bordeaux University

Lecture in Bordeaux University
13 October 2016
On October 13, 2016, leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of social and political studies S.M. Fedorov and Head of IE RAS Center for British studies E.V. Ananieva presented the lecture «Russian State Duma elections 2016 and prospects of political process in Russia» at the Faculty of Political science of Bordeaux University. 

Analytical paper №32, 2016 «New Commission’s proposals on legal immigration»

Analytical paper №32, 2016 «New Commission’s proposals on legal immigration»
12 October 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №32, 2016 (№62) «New Commission’s proposals on legal immigration» (in Russian) by Liubov Bisson, Candidate of Science (Politics), Senior scientific associate of IE RAS Department of European Integration Research.

Abalkin readings «Common Eurasian economic area: possibilities, limitations, risks»

Abalkin readings «Common Eurasian economic area: possibilities, limitations, risks»
12 October 2016

On October 12, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Economic Studies А.I. Bazhan delivered a speech at Abalkin readings «Common Eurasian economic area: possibilities, limitations, risks», organized by Free Economic Society of Russia.

Conference «Limits of German leadership in Europe»

Conference «Limits of German leadership in Europe»
12 October 2016

On October 12, 2016, representative delegation of IE RAS participated in the conference «Limits of German leadership in Europe», held by Primakov IMEMO RAS.

«Consequences of Brexit for the EU»

«Consequences of Brexit for the EU»
10 October 2016

On October 10, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko delivered the report «Consequences of Brexit for the EU» at the seminar «The precedent of Brexit and the interests of Russia» during «The European dialogues» discussion forum.

Presentation of the book by Y.M. Luzkov

Presentation of the book by Y.M. Luzkov
10 October 2016
IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko participated in presentation of the book by Y.M. Luzkov «RUSSIA AT CROSSROADS… Deng Xiaoping and old maidens of «monetarism»», that took place on October 3, 2016, in the International Union of Economists. The event was attended by famous economists, scientists, experts, state and social leaders, writers, journalists. 

Working paper №12, 2016 «Are there «color revolutions» without color?»

Working paper №12, 2016 «Are there «color revolutions» without color?»
10 October 2016

IE RAS presents Working paper №12, 2016 (№26) «Are there «color revolutions» without color?» (in English) by Pavel Kandel, Candidate of Sciences (History), Head of IE RAS Center for Ethnic, Political and Interstate Conflicts.

Discussion on Russian-German relations in Magdeburg, meeting with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Discussion on Russian-German relations in Magdeburg, meeting with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel
07 October 2016

On October 6, 2016, IE RAS Deputy Director V.B. Belov took part in discussion on Russian-German relations in the context of European security. The discussion took place in Magdeburg during the 16th Federal congress of delegates of the Union of senior members of Christian Democratic Union. On October 7 a short meeting of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel with V.B. Belov took place.

60th anniversary of IMEMO RAS!

60th anniversary of IMEMO RAS!
06 October 2016

Institute of Europe RAS congratulates Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS with its 60th anniversary!

The EU divorce and after: rebuilding Britain’s relationships

The EU divorce and after: rebuilding Britain’s relationships
06 October 2016
On October 6-8, 2016, Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies Е.V. Ananieva participated in the international conference «The EU divorce and after: rebuilding Britain’s relationships» in London, organized by The Ditchley Foundation. 

European Union in the zone of turbulence

European Union in the zone of turbulence
06 October 2016

On October 6, 2016, IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko gave an interview to «International affairs» journal.

Representatives of Spain and Italy called the anti-Russia sanctions unacceptable

Representatives of Spain and Italy called the anti-Russia sanctions unacceptable
06 October 2016

Leading scientific associate of IE RAS Valery Zhuravel gave an interview to «Inform-24» agency on results of «TRANSTECH-2016» exhibition, that took place on October 4-6, 2016 in Saint-Petersburg.

Meeting with heads of Expert Council of German foundations for integration and migration

Meeting with heads of Expert Council of German foundations for integration and migration
06 October 2016

On October 6, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of European Integration Research О.Y. Potemkina took part in the meeting with heads of Expert Council of German foundations for integration and migration.

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko
04 October 2016

Interview of IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko to the Institute of International Relations and World History of Lobacheskiy NNSU.

Working paper №11, 2016 «Integrated EU policy for the Arctic»

Working paper №11, 2016 «Integrated EU policy for the Arctic»
04 October 2016

IE RAS presents Working paper №11, 2016 (№25) «Integrated EU policy for the Arctic» (in English) by Natalia Govorova, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of Economic Studies.