institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Analytical paper №39, 2016 «On major party and political processes in European states»

Analytical paper №39, 2016 «On major party and political processes in European states»
11 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №39, 2016 (№69) «On major party and political processes in European states» (in Russian) by the group of leading country researchers of IE RAS (Head – Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov, chief editor – Director IE RAS Al.A. Gromyko).

Anniversary conference in the Central House of Scientists

Anniversary conference in the Central House of Scientists
10 November 2016

On November 10, 2016, in Moscow in the Central House of Scientists IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the conference, attributed to the 20th anniversary of cooperation between the Russian Foundation of fundamental research and French National Center of scientific research (CNRS).

International conference in the Institute of General History RAS

International conference in the Institute of General History RAS
09 November 2016

On November 9, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko and Head of IE RAS Center for French Studies Y.I. Rubinskiy took part in the international scientific conference «Russia and Europe: historical experience of cooperation and mutual understanding. XVIII–XX centuries» in the Institute of General History RAS.

«Potsdam meetings»

«Potsdam meetings»
08 November 2016

On November 8, 2016, in Moscow IE RAS Director, Corresponding member RAS Аl.А. Gromyko and Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov took part in regular «Potsdam meetings», discussing the most acute issues of global agenda, and relations between Russia and Germany in politics, economy, science and culture. The event was opened by the speech of Russian foreign minister S.V. Lavrov.

Analytical paper №38, 2016 «Party conference season in the UK: Brexit as a bargaining chip for nationalists»

Analytical paper №38, 2016 «Party conference season in the UK: Brexit as a bargaining chip for nationalists»
08 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №38, 2016 (№68) «Party conference season in the UK: Brexit as a bargaining chip for nationalists» (in Russian) by Alexei Budargin, scientific associate of IE RAS Center for British Studies.

Analytical paper №37, 2016 «Spain: government with hands tied»

Analytical paper №37, 2016 «Spain: government with hands tied»
06 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №37, 2016 (№67) «Spain: government with hands tied» (in Russian) by Vladimir Vernikov, Head of IE RAS Center for Iberian Studies.

Meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
04 November 2016
On November 4, 2016, in Strasbourg the meeting of IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko and Permanent representative of Russia to the Council of Europe I.D. Soltanovskiy with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Т. Jagland took place. 

Analytical paper №36, 2016 «Party conference season in the UK: new priorities for the antagonists»

Analytical paper №36, 2016 «Party conference season in the UK: new priorities for the antagonists»
04 November 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №36, 2016 «Party conference season in the UK: new priorities for the antagonists» (in Russian) by Alexei Budargin, scientific associate of IE RAS Center for British Studies.

IE RAS Director is now the Corresponding member of RAS

IE RAS Director is now the Corresponding member of RAS
04 November 2016

The Institute of Europe RAS congratulates Alexey Anatolievich Gromyko with the scientific title of the Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, wishes further professional success and realization of all plans to the best of the Academy and the Institute!

History of German-Russian economic relations

History of German-Russian economic relations
03 November 2016

On November 3, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov in the Residence of German Ambassador to Russia took part in the discussion «History of German-Russian/Soviet economic relations: economy as the trailblazer and guide in politics after World War II».

Meeting with American experts

Meeting with American experts
31 October 2016

On October 31, 2016 IE RAS hosted American experts on fighting terrorism and violent extremism, headed by representative of the National Academies of Sciences USA Glenn Schweitzer.

General meeting of RAS members

General meeting of RAS members
28 October 2016

On October 26-28, 2016, in the Great hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences the General meeting of RAS members is taking place. RAS professors are represented by IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko, Chairman of RAS professors Coordination council.

International conference «National reconciliation and future of Syria»

International conference «National reconciliation and future of Syria»
28 October 2016

On October 28, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the international conference «National reconciliation and future of Syria», organized by the Institute of Eastern Studies, RAS.

Europe: agents of influence

Europe: agents of influence
28 October 2016

On October 28, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies Dr. V.Y. Schveytzer took part in the discussion on Russian influence on European countries and their political parties in «Pravo golosa» TV show on TVC channel.

Diplomatic days of the Hungarian program «Opening to the East»

Diplomatic days of the Hungarian program «Opening to the East»
28 October 2016
On October 24-28, 2016, by invitation of Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Head of IE RAS Department of Central and Eastern European Studies Dr. L.N. Shishelina took part in Diplomatic days of the Hungarian program «Opening to the East».

Meeting with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Moscow office Head and member of DIE LINKE party executive committee

Meeting with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Moscow office Head and member of DIE LINKE party executive committee
27 October 2016

On October 27, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko met with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Moscow office Head Kerstin Kaiser and member of DIE LINKE party executive committee Wolfgang Gehrcke.

Conference «Germany and Russia: challenge to the state of law»

Conference «Germany and Russia: challenge to the state of law»
27 October 2016

On October 27, 2016, in Berlin, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov took part in the first Russian-German conference «Germany and Russia: challenge to the state of law». The event was organized by (with support of Russian Embassy in FRG): IE RAS, Union of Russian Speaking Organizations of Germany, German-Russian forum, Institute of human rights commissioners in Russia, European institute of ombudsmen.

International conference in Plekhanov RUE

International conference in Plekhanov RUE
27 October 2016
On October 27, 2016, chief scientific associate IE RAS Dr. А.V. Drynochkin delivered a speech at the international conference in Plekhanov RUE «Economic cooperation of the Visegrad group states», attributed to the 25th anniversary of the Group. 

Conference «New challenges in Russian-German economic relations»

Conference «New challenges in Russian-German economic relations»
24 October 2016

On October 24, 2016, Deputy Director IE RAS V.B. Belov at the conference «New challenges in Russian-German economic relations» delivered the report «Prerequisites and prospects of Russian-German relations». The event was organized by Moscow office of Hanns Seidel Stiftung (FRG).

Analytical paper №35, 2016 «Black Sea region within the plans of Beijing to restore the ancient Great Silk Road»

Analytical paper №35, 2016 «Black Sea region within the plans of Beijing to restore the ancient Great Silk Road»
24 October 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №35, 2016 (№65) «Black Sea region within the plans of Beijing to restore the ancient Great Silk Road» (in Russian) by Sergey Goncharenko, Doctor of Science (History), chief scientific associate of IE RAS Department of Black and Mediterranean Sea Region Studies.