institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

Passion on the Austrian Neutrality

Passion on the Austrian Neutrality
16 May 2016

On May 16, 2016, Nezavisimaya Gazeta published the article of the Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies, Dr. V.Y. Shveytzer «Passion on the Austrian Neutrality». Read more here.

To the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Latin America RAS

To the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Latin America RAS
16 May 2016
On May 16, 2016, in the conference hall of the Department of global problems and international relations RAS (DGPIR) international conference «New Realities of Modern Economic, Political and Cultural Development of Iberoamerica», devoted to the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Latin America RAS, was held.

Conference «European Union – Eurasian Economic Union: confrontation or competitive cooperation»

Conference «European Union – Eurasian Economic Union: confrontation or competitive cooperation»
14 May 2016
On May 14, 2016, in Minsk, the international conference «European Union – Eurasian Economic Union: confrontation or competitive cooperation» was held, initiated by Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Party of the European Left, attended by representatives from Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, France and Czech Republic. The main subject of the discussion was the state and prospects of EU and EEU relations. 

Working Session of the Club of Three

Working Session of the Club of Three
14 May 2016

On 13-14 May, 2016, IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Аl.А. Gromyko and Head of IE RAS Department of European Security Studies Dr. D.A. Danilov took part in the Working Session “Europe and Russia”, organized by the Club of Three.

Letter of acknowledgement from Kuban State University

Letter of acknowledgement from Kuban State University
13 May 2016
Kuban State University addressed IE RAS Director, RAS Professor Аl.А. Gromyko with the letter of acknowledgement for assistance in organizing video-bridge with IE RAS associates during IX conference of inter-university scientific and discussion «Expert» club: «Russia in the Global World: Challenges and Prospects».

On the meeting of US President B. Obama with Northern European leaders

On the meeting of US President B. Obama with Northern European leaders
13 May 2016

On May 13, 2016, leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of Country Studies Valery Zhuravel gave interviews to several Russian mass media on Washington meeting of the US President B. Obama and heads of Northern European countries.

Friends of Russia step up in Germany

Friends of Russia step up in Germany
11 May 2016
On May 11, 2016, deputy Head of IE RAS Center for German Studies Ekaterina Timoshenko gave an interview to the information and analytical channel «Tzargrad», discussing the prospects of the initiative of «Alternative for Germany» party to lift anti-Russia sanctions.

The speech of the Ambassador of Italy at IE RAS Scientific Council session

The speech of the Ambassador of Italy at IE RAS Scientific Council session
11 May 2016
On May 11, 2016, IE RAS Scientific Council was honored to receive Cesare Maria Ragaglini, the Ambassador of Italy in Russia.

European Security: With Or Without Russia?

European Security: With Or Without Russia?
10 May 2016

IE RAS published a summary of the international live chat on “European Security: With Or Without Russia?”, hosted by IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko in the course of 2016 Security Jam online conference.

Dialogue of members of the US Congress, deputies of the Russian State Duma and Bundestag: responding to common external political challenges

Dialogue of members of the US Congress, deputies of the Russian State Duma and Bundestag: responding to common external political challenges
04 May 2016
On April 30 – May 4, 2016 in Briesen (Germany) the international conference for inter-parliamentary dialogue of USA, Russia and Germany «Responding to common external political challenges» was held. The forum was co-organized by OSCE and Aspen University (independent American research center for social and human sciences). This event is unique to the history of relations of the three states in recent years.

Analytical paper №10, 2016 «Are there «color revolutions» without color?»

Analytical paper №10, 2016 «Are there «color revolutions» without color?»
30 April 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №10, 2016 «Are there «color revolutions» without color?» (in Russian) by Pavel Kandel, Candidate of Science (History), Head of IE RAS Center for Ethnic, Political and Interstate Conflicts.

Merkel only extinguishes the fire

Merkel only extinguishes the fire
29 April 2016

On April 29, 2016, deputy Head of IE RAS Center for German Studies Ekaterina Timoshenkova gave an interview to the information and analytical agency «Rosbalt», explaining whether the immigrant integration plan proposed by FRG Government will solve the existing problems.

Triumph of the European Self-Conscience (the Russian Response)

Triumph of the European Self-Conscience (the Russian Response)
28 April 2016
On April 28, 2016, Head of IE RAS Department of Social and Political Studies Vladimir Shveytzer took part in «Russian Response» TV show with Andrei Afanasiev on Tzargrad TV channel. 

Institute of Europe – hosting organization of 2016 Security Jam

Institute of Europe – hosting organization of 2016 Security Jam
27 April 2016

On April 27 in the course of 2016 Security Jam online conference IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko hosted the international live chat on “European Security: With Or Without Russia?”. The lively one-hour discussion united several dozens of experts from over 10 countries of the world. IE RAS was represented by D.A. Danilov, Head of Department of European Security, and K.N. Gusev, deputy Head of Department of Economic Studies.

«City Technologies» Forum

«City Technologies» Forum
27 April 2016
On April 27, 2016 deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in «City Technologies» Forum, held in Novosibirsk at international exhibition center «Novosibirsk Expocenter».

Conference «Transformation of international relations in the XXI century: challenges and prospects»

Conference «Transformation of international relations in the XXI century: challenges and prospects»
26 April 2016
On April 26, 2016, IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Аl.А. Gromyko took part in II international scientific and practical conference «Transformation of international relations in the XXI century: challenges and prospects», organized by Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko for Historical Perspective Foundation project

Lecture of Al.A. Gromyko for Historical Perspective Foundation project
26 April 2016

On April 26, 2016 IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Al.A. Gromyko presented the lecture «Russia and Europe in the Polycentric World» for the project «The Other Europe. Civilization and Challenges of Time» of Historical Perspective Foundation.

Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal

Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal
25 April 2016

On April 25, 2016 IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko participated in the international seminar – presentation of the joint forecast of Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Atlantic Council «Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal». The seminar was organized by IMEMO RAS and Center for Strategic Forecasting of the Atlantic Council USA.

International conference «Baltic Studies in Russia»

International conference «Baltic Studies in Russia»
22 April 2016

IE RAS Director, RAS Professors Council Chairman Аl.А. Gromyko took part in the international conference «Baltic Studies in Russia», held on April 22, 2016, in Kant Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad.

Opening of exhibition and presentation of books on history of Russian internal forces and fighting terrorism

Opening of exhibition and presentation of books on history of Russian internal forces and fighting terrorism
22 April 2016

On April 22, 2016 the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation held ceremonial meeting with Presidium member of the All-Russian civic organization «Officers of Russia», Commander of the Unified antiterrorist forces in the Northern Caucasus (2000-2001, 2003-2004) Colonel General Valery Baranov, during which the exhibition «History of Russian MIA Internal Forces. Fighting Terrorism» was opened, and the books «Internal forces of NCIA (MIA, MSS) before, during the Great Patriotic war and in fighting the nationalist underground after the war in documents of 1939-1955» and «2009-2014. Fighting terrorism» were presented.