institute of europe
the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences

Institute news

"Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?"

"Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?"
27 June 2016

On June 27, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V. Belov and Head of IE RAS Center for French Studies Y. Rubinkiy took part in Vladimir Kara-Murza show "Planes of time. UK will take the British leave?" on Radio Svoboda, devoted to the already evident and still unclear consequences of Brexit for Britain, Europe and the world.

IX Moscow Forum of Business Partnerships «Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Borders»

IX Moscow Forum of Business Partnerships «Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Borders»
27 June 2016
On June 27, 2016, IE RAS deputy Director V.B. Belov took part in IX Moscow Forum of Business Partnerships «Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Borders» with reports on best practices in modern Russian-German economic cooperation, and the role of private and state institutional mechanisms of small and medium business support.

On June 23 UK held EU membership referendum

On June 23 UK held EU membership referendum
24 June 2016
On June 23 UK held EU membership referendum. With 52:48% ratio, the victory was gained by Brexit supporters. This event has no precedent in the EU history and will have profound consequences. Below is the list of IE RAS associates’ comments and interviews on the new crisis, shaking the foundations of the European Union.

Establishment of the Arctic Development Committee of International Union of Economists

Establishment of the Arctic Development Committee of International Union of Economists
23 June 2016

On June 23, 2016, International Union of Economists held the session establishing the Arctic Development Committee and discussed acute problems of the Russian Arctic zone. The session was attended by IE RAS associates Valery Zhuravel and Natalia Govorova.

German – Russian «Кiel Week»

German – Russian «Кiel Week»
23 June 2016

On June 23, 2016, IE RAS Director Al.A. Gromyko took part, in the capacity of honorable guest, in the traditional German – Russian «Кiel Week» (Kiel, Germany), devoted to friendship and mutual understanding between Russia and Germany.

Analytical paper №13, 2016 «Complex Arctic policy of the EU»

Analytical paper №13, 2016 «Complex Arctic policy of the EU»
23 June 2016

IE RAS presents Analytical paper №13, 2016 «Complex Arctic policy of the EU» (in Russian) by Natalia Govorova, Candidate of Science (Economics), leading scientific associate of IE RAS Department of Economic Studies.

Working paper №3, 2016 "What Brexit means for Russia"

Working paper №3, 2016 "What Brexit means for Russia"
20 June 2016

IE RAS presents Working paper №3, 2016 (№17) "What Brexit means for Russia" (in English) by Elena Ananieva, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Center for British Studies IE RAS.

International conference «German-Polish relations as the key factor of European security»

International conference «German-Polish relations as the key factor of European security»
20 June 2016
On June 20, 2016, IE RAS held international conference «German-Polish relations as the key factor of European security», organized by IE RAS Department of Country Studies, Embassies of Germany and Poland in Moscow.

In memory of my friend

In memory of my friend
18 June 2016

On June 18, Nikolay Shmelev, who passed away almost two years ago, would have celebrated his 80th birthday. The grief of the loss continues to stay with his dear ones, friends, readers and colleagues. Kolya (more than fifty years of our friendship give me the liberty to call him so) was a unique representative of the “Sixties generation”, who lived long enough to witness perestroika and was one of those who preserved his ideals until the end of his life. Almost uniquely, he did not concede to the lure of market economy and did not embark upon the ruinous way of acquisitiveness and vanity.

Analytical paper №12, 2016 «Brexit: Who’s to Blame?»

Analytical paper №12, 2016 «Brexit: Who’s to Blame?»
17 June 2016
IE RAS presents Analytical paper №12, 2016 «Brexit: Who’s to Blame?» (in Russian) by Elena Ananieva, Candidate of Science (Philosophy), Head of IE RAS Center for British Studies.

Podium discussion "Russia and the Baltics"

Podium discussion "Russia and the Baltics"
09 June 2016

On June 9, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V. Belov took part in the podium discussion, organized by Koerber Foundation and devoted to the relations of Russia with the Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Interview to Koerber Foundation "Russia and the Baltics"

Interview to Koerber Foundation "Russia and the Baltics"
09 June 2016
On June 9, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V. Belov in Hamburg gave the interview to Koerber Foundation headlined "Russia and the Baltics" (in German), covering various aspects of the relations of Russia with the Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. 

International conference «Elections in the new political dimension»

International conference «Elections in the new political dimension»
08 June 2016
On June 8, 2016, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration held the international conference «Elections in the new political dimension», attended by representatives of 6 countries: Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia, Poland, France and Czech Republic. IE RAS was represented by Dr. B. Guseletov with the report «Transformation of party and political landscape in the EU states in crisis conditions (the examples of Germany and UK)».

Round table «Greater Black Sea region: problems of geopolitics and geoeconomics»

Round table «Greater Black Sea region: problems of geopolitics and geoeconomics»
08 June 2016

On June 8, 2016, IE RAS held the round table «Greater Black Sea region: problems of geopolitics and geoeconomics», attended by representatives of Russian Foreign Ministry, Primakov IMEMO RAS, Institute of Economy RAS, Institute of Eastern Studies RAS, Institute of USA and Canada RAS and other scientific institutes of Moscow.

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko to «Voice of America»

Interview of Al.A. Gromyko to «Voice of America»
08 June 2016
On June 8, 2016, IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko gave interview to Moscow bureau of «Voice of America» on the verge of EU membership referendum in UK on June 23. 

International scientific colloquium in Ekaterinburg

International scientific colloquium in Ekaterinburg
07 June 2016

On June 6-7, 2016, in Ekateringburg the international scientific colloquium «USSR and Austria in 1950-1960s» was held by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Urals Federal University and Boltzmann Institute (Graz, Austria). The Institute of Europe RAS was represented at the event by Head of Department of Social and Political Studies Dr. V. Shveytzer with the report «Bruno Kreisky and the Soviet Union».

Meeting with Richard Burge, Chief Executive, Wilton Park (UK)

Meeting with Richard Burge, Chief Executive, Wilton Park (UK)
06 June 2016
On June 6, 2016, IE RAS had the honor to welcome Richard Burge, Chief Executive, Wilton Park (UK) – leading discussion forum and expert center in international relations, security and defense, conflict settlement, global economy, human rights, sustainable development. The meeting, held in the form of a round table, was attended by IE RAS Director Аl.А. Gromyko and experts in specific fields of research. 

New edition of the «White book» of German Federal Defense Ministry

New edition of the «White book» of German Federal Defense Ministry
04 June 2016

Deputy IE RAS Director, Head of Center for German Studies V.B. Belov and deputy Head of the Center Е.P. Timoshenkova gave interviews to several Russian mass media in relation to the new edition of the «White book» of German Federal Defense Ministry.

"Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..."

"Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..."
03 June 2016
On June 3, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in the show of Vladimir Kara-Murza "Faces of Time. Recognition One Age After..." on Radio Svoboda.

Video bridge Moscow – Berlin «Bundestag voting: possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security»

Video bridge Moscow – Berlin «Bundestag voting: possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security»
03 June 2016
On June 3, 2016, deputy IE RAS Director V.B. Belov took part in Moscow – Berlin video bridge, devoted to possible consequences for German-Turkish relations and European security of Bundestag voting on June 2 on the resolution «In memory of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the Osman empire 101 years ago».